Monday, April 30, 2012

A day with the sail boats

Its Spring time and all the sail boats are ready for a ride...its opening day for sailing at the bay. Here are some pictures for those of you who missed it..

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Interior rooms

I tried to take pics of my home with the d7k without a dslr and didnt find it great! I figured I needed a tripod, hre are the pics with the tripod

Sunday, April 8, 2012

My first portraits

Bay area is getting better in terms of was awesome...I went to Los gatos creek to enjoy the weather and found the whole of bay area there celebrating easter with family gettos, bbq lunch,kids playing around and easter egg was super fun looking at the kids. I took this oppurtunity to try out what I learnt are the pictures...

Appreciate your honest feedback..

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Instagram! I like it

I chose the "M"!!!

I tried my hands on my new D7000 camera today....learnt about the 3 main things - ISO, Aperture and shutter speed. It was a great day outside and perfect to setup my outdoor space. I setup the space and took some pictures to try handson of what I studied.

check out the link for pictures..

Look for "Outdoor" in the link.